Charity Events


Whether you are looking for entertainment or entertainment with a message, Robyn can tailor her program/skills to meet the needs of your outreach.  Reaching out to inner city…Robyn is the perfect fit to get the kids excited and give them something to remember.

Robyn has worked with special needs kids as well as frequently visiting kids in pediatric hospitals to bring a light of sunshine to those going through tough times.

“Robyn is such a pleasure to work with. Her enthusiasm and motivational story touches all of our patients and families. She is professional, kind and nurturing in her words and actions. Our patients and families look forward to her exciting performances each month and welcome the fun distraction from hospitalization. We are proud to have her here monthly as one of our special events and look forward to many more years.”

Nussi Afroz  |  Child Life Department – Florida Hospital for Children

“OCA- A special place for special needs is blessed to have Robyn Slain as a community supporter. Her energy, enthusiasm and message of never giving up inspires our individuals with special needs to always try new adventures. Robyn embraces their abilities and incorporates the participants as part of their show. Every time she leaves the kids will ask for “the basketball lady to come back!”

Silvia Haas  |  OCA Executive Director