School Assembly


Robyn provides a 30-45 minute program for elementary and middle school students.  Her skills are used to interact and get the students attention in a unique way, from there Robyn delivers a message of encouragement and challenges the students to make positive choices emphasizing healthy habits of the mind and body and being academically focused.

“Mrs. Slain spoke to our students about setting goals, working hard, perseverance & respect.  Her routine & message was a hit with the children & staff!  I know several NBA players, attend games and never miss the Harlem Globetrotters.  I was still speechless at what I witnessed her do with basketballs.  She has been blessed with an athletic gift, but more important she has been blessed with a desire to help students and others in need of a positive message.”

Lino Rodriguez | Grand Avenue Primary School – Orlando,FL

“WOW!! Thank you so much for coming to Journeys today. Several staff and students came up to me and thanked me for introducing you to our school. Teachers said it was the most impressive program they had seen at Journeys! Your program and inspirational message has made a big impact on our students….which is not an easy thing to do with our population! Students were not just engaged and listening…which is major in itself, but they were really “hearing” you and your story. One female student, whom I taught in Middle school this year until February, was especially excited and said “I want to be able to handle a basketball like she did”. This is a student who has not been excited about anything positive since I have known her. In fact, she has not expressed interest in anything much that is appropriate and came by to ask me about you. There was a light in her eyes I had never seen before. Thank you for giving her and others this hope.”

Suzanne Ebaugh | Journeys Academy- Sanford, FL